Sunday, January 5, 2014

Monsters and Voices

     We all deal with monsters, don't we? They try attacking us every second of the day. Procrastination. Addiction. Temptation. Habit. Depression. Temper. Disorder. Perfectionist. If you aren't familiar with these monsters--If you aren't regularly pestered by them-- Then my lord, you must be lucky. I'm sure that at least one of them has gripped your brain; made you sweat. If you haven't gotten a visit from Procrastination yet, then you must be pretty darn good. And god bless the people that dismiss Temper, because isn't she hard to deal with?
      I've never really understood why these beasts love to hurt us, or how we let them get so tangled up within our lives. We're so intertwined with them, so intricately interwoven, that we don't even notice them sometimes. We live by them. Hell, sometimes we invite them to torture us. Do we have a better choice? Maybe. But maybe not.
      Then we have those god-awful voices. It's like a party in that brain of yours, when they feel like doing so. Half of them are arguing with each other, a few seem to be drunk, and the rest are scattered all over our mind doing god knows what. Intellect. Emotion. Love. Instinct. Reason. Patience. Impulse. Lust. They're all doing their own thing in there, aren't they? For all of you that can handle listening to Reason all day, you deserve some sort of an award. Because listening to Reason is listening to a complete and total ass sometimes. It's just that it's one of the voices that knows what it's talking about.
       Maybe you guys aren't affected by the monsters and voices. Maybe you don't know who I'm talking about. Maybe these guys are daily visitors. I really don't know. But I have a feeling that at least one other person knows what I'm talking about. If you don't... Then maybe you should ponder it for awhile. Just food for thought.



  1. I've never given this too much thought before, but I understand what you mean. I think that I deal with these monsters and voices on a daily basis, and they've become something so entwined in my life that they're hard to even pick out now.

    1. Yeah... thank you for taking the time to read this.
