Monday, January 6, 2014

Latest Ear Candy

     Hi guys! (If anybody even actually reads these posts.) It's been too cold to do outdoor activities, and I decided to take a break from writing... During that break, I decided to indulge in satisfying my latest addiction: Music. Usually I'm a fan of hard rock, but it seems that I've been liking some more alternative songs lately.
     I'm absolutely addicted to anything by Arctic Monkeys, The Neighbourhood, and Lana Del Rey right now. To be quite honest, I played "Do I Wanna Know?" on repeat about twenty times this afternoon... The bass in that song sends chills down my spine. And "Sweater Weather" has been on my playlists for awhile; the sound of The Neighbourhood is lovely. I don't know who that lead singer is, but he's got one heck of a singing voice.
     Speaking of amazing voices, Lana Del Rey anyone? That voice is absolutely enchanting. It's haunting and floating and smooth and warm and bursting with emotion. The mix is nearly poisonous, I swear. If you have a musical sweet tooth, then you'll probably love her if you don't already. "Summertime Sadness" made some people unwilling to listen to her music. But one listen to the song "Carmen" made my heart swell with feeling. The things that her songs say are all of the things that we are afraid to say.
     But then again, who am I to start being a music critic? Just thought I'd give you a few suggestions.


  1. Thanks for the suggestion, I might just look them up when I have time.
    I'm a music lover myself, I like all kinds of music (well it depends on if it catches my interest) and I feel your pain on the cold weather. It's cold where I am now, we didn't expect it to drop so low! But hey, I live in a state where the weather is always bypolar lol :)

    1. Ha! Yeah. I'm glad that you took the time to read this. I really appreciate it. :)

    2. Of course I took my time, lol. I didn't find it boring, it was a very interesting blog post. And your welcome :)
